Bridge international online coaching system believes every student has the right to get a high-quality education. We work in partnership with schools, communities, teachers, and parents to support and deliver standard quality education in under developing and developed countries. We have re-engineered major and integral part of the education system, from teacher training and support, to lesson delivery, construction, and financial administration; making schools and college as effective as possible. We are flexible about our approach so long as we can serve more marginalized communities and improve learning outcomes for students.
Our model focuses on:
Well supported teachers: teachers are retrained using new teaching and classroom management techniques and supported by our team members. They also benefit from ongoing training and continuous support both in and out of the classroom.
World-class lessons: we always follow the curriculum of the countries in which we operate. Our lesson plans are developed through close collaboration between world-leading academics, local experts and country-based education ministries. By leveraging the power of connected devices, we deliver professionally developed, up-to-the-minute lesson plans that provide every teacher with the core foundation needed for a successful learning experience in each subject, each day.
Academic Rigor: we place a really strong focus on basic literacy, numeracy and develop analytical-thinking skills in early grades.
Personalized Instruction: our handheld, wireless ‘teacher guides’ record attendance—of pupils and teachers—assess scores, track lesson pacing, and measure pupil comprehension. Our technology frees teachers from the time-intensive planning and administrative tasks creating more time for them to focus on what matters, teaching.
Data & Analytics: we use near real-time data, analytics and advanced technology to constantly make changes that improve pupil learning outcomes.
Bundled Services: we streamline non-instructional management tasks such as payroll processing and expense management. This allows school leaders to focus on the critical work needed at the school level–overseeing lessons, supporting teachers and building relationships with families and the local community.